Wait Strategies
Note that the startup timeout of all wait strategies is configurable:
const { GenericContainer } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withStartupTimeout(120000) // wait 120s
Listening ports
The default wait strategy used by Testcontainers. It will wait up to 60 seconds for the container's mapped network ports to be bound.
const { GenericContainer } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
It can be set explicitly but is not required:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
Log output
Wait until the container has logged a message:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage("Ready to accept connections"))
With a regular expression:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage(/Listening on port \d+/))
Wait until the container has logged a message a number of times:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forLogMessage("Listening on port 8080", 2))
Health check
Wait until the container's health check is successful:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
Define your own health check:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost || exit 1"],
interval: 1000,
timeout: 3000,
retries: 5,
startPeriod: 1000
Note that interval
, timeout
, retries
and startPeriod
are optional as they are inherited from the image or parent image if omitted.
To execute the test with a shell use the form ["CMD-SHELL", "command"]
["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:8000 || exit 1"]
To execute the test without a shell, use the form: ["CMD", "command", "arg1", "arg2"]
. This may be needed when working with distroless images:
["CMD", "/usr/bin/wget", "--no-verbose", "--tries=1", "--spider", "http://localhost:8080/hello-world"]
Wait for an HTTP request to satisfy a condition. By default, it will wait for a 200 response:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("redis")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080))
For status code
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.forStatusCodeMatching(statusCode => statusCode === 201))
For response body
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.forResponsePredicate(response => response === "OK"))
Custom request
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8080)
.withHeaders({ X_CUSTOM_VALUE: "custom" })
.withBasicCredentials("username", "password")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8443)
Insecure TLS
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/health", 8443)
Shell command
Wait until a shell command returns a successful exit code:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forSuccessfulCommand("stat /tmp/app.lock"))
Multiple wait strategies can be chained together:
const { GenericContainer, Wait } = require("testcontainers");
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
Wait.forLogMessage("Ready to accept connections")
By default, the startup timeout of the composite wait strategy will be the maximum of the startup timeouts of the provided wait strategies. For example:
const w1 = Wait.forListeningPorts().withStartupTimeout(1000);
const w1 = Wait.forLogMessage("").withStartupTimeout(2000);
const composite = Wait.forAll([w1, w2]);
You can override the startup timeouts of the provided wait strategies by setting a startup timeout on the composite. For example:
const w1 = Wait.forListeningPorts().withStartupTimeout(1000);
const w1 = Wait.forLogMessage("").withStartupTimeout(2000);
const composite = Wait.forAll([w1, w2]).withStartupTimeout(3000)
Other startup strategies
If these options do not meet your requirements, you can subclass StartupCheckStrategy
and use Dockerode
, which is the underlying Docker client used by Testcontainers:
const Dockerode = require("dockerode");
const {
} = require("testcontainers");
class ReadyAfterDelayWaitStrategy extends StartupCheckStrategy {
public checkStartupState(dockerClient: Dockerode, containerId: string): Promise<StartupStatus> {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve("SUCCESS"), 3000));
const container = await new GenericContainer("alpine")
.withWaitStrategy(new ReadyAfterDelayWaitStrategy())